
Kamis, 29 November 2012


Yuri tidak menyangka bahwa dia akan kembali bertemu dengan pria yang diam-diam sangat dia suka.Saat dia menatap Yunho,tiba-tiba dia merasakan jantungnya berdetak sangat kencang...

Saat Yunho menyapanya,Yuri sangat gugup.Lalu dia membalas sapaan Yunho dengan terbata-bata.Lalu pimpinannya mengatakan kalau mulai hari ini rekan kerjanya adalah Yunho.Mendengar itu Yuri sangat kaget....
Kemudian pimpinannya kembali ke ruangannya...

Sementara Yuri yang masih gugup berjalan ke meja kerjanya.Yunho yang melihat itu,hanya tersenyum.Lalu dia kembali ke mejanya yang berada persis didepan meja Yuri.Tidak terasa jam pulang pun tiba..Yuri pun pamit pada Yunho,tapi saat akan berjalan ke luar ruangan,Yunho tiba-tiba memanggilnya.


Yuri menghentikan langkahnya,dia pun berbalik..."Ya,ada apa Yunho?"..

Yunho dengan terbata-bata berkata,.."Itu..o,o itu..kalau kau tidak keberatan,boleh aku mengantarmu?"..

Yuri terkejut mendengarnya,lalu dia tersenyum dan mengangguk.Melihat itu,Yunho sangat senang dan mereka pun pulang bersama dengan mobil Yunho.Dalam perjalanan pulang...Baik Yuri maupun Yunho hanya diam tanpa bicara sepatah kata pun.Lalu Yunho mengambil CD dari laci di sampingnya dan dia langsung menyalakan CD Player dan memasukkan CD tersebut dan lagu pun terdengar.Yuri terkejut saat mendengar lagu yang diputar karena lagu yang diputar adalah lagu SNSD.

"Yunho...lagu ini kan?"..

"Kenapa,kau suka?..ini adalah lagu favoritku?"...

"Tapi saat sekolah dulu kau ku lihat tidak pernah mendengar 1 lagu pun"..

"Semua orang bisa berubah Yuri...termasuk aku.Bahkan aku mendapat tanda tangan dari semua membernya.Nanti aku akan tunjukkan sama kamu"..

"Aku tidak menyangka kalau Yunho yang dulu sangat dingin di sekolah,ternyata penggemar SNSD juga"...

Lalu mereka berdua tertawa...tidak lama mereka pun tiba.Lalu Yuri mengucapkan terima kasih pada Yunho dan dia segera turun dari mobil..lalu Yunho pun pamit. Dan Yuri segera masuk kedalam rumah...

Di rumah....
Saat sedang tidur,Yuri bermimpi tentang tragedi yang merenggut nyawa kedua orangtuanya 15 tahun yang lalu hingga dia pun berteriak memanggil ayah dan ibunya hingga dia terbangun.Lalu dia beranjak dari tempat tidurnya dan berjalan menuju kamar mandi untuk mencuci muka.Saat sedang mencuci muka,tiba-tiba dia mendengar ponselnya berdering.Lalu segera saja dia mengelap mukanya dengan handuk dan keluar dari kamar mandi,lalu dia mengambil ponselnya yang terletak di atas meja...


"Halo Yuri!"...

"Ini siapa?",tanya Yuri..


"Aku siapa?"...



"Iya,aku Yunho"..

"Oh Kau..dari mana kau tahu nomor ponselku?"..

"Kan aku bisa lihat data di komputer"..

"OOO...terus ada apa meneleponku malam-malam begini?"..

"Oh itu..aku ingin mengajakmu keluar..Kau ada waktu?"..

"Malam-malam begini?"..

"Iya..terus kenapa?"..aku jemput kamu di rumah ya"...Lalu Yunho mematikan ponselnya.


Tidak lama kemudian Yunho pun tiba didepan rumah Yuri.Lalu dia turun dari mobilnya dan masuk kedalam rumah Yuri.Lalu dia memencet bel.Yuri yang mendengar bunyi bel,langsung berjalan menuju pintu.Dari monitor dia melihat siapa yang datang..Betapa kagetnya dia saat melihat Yunho berdiri di depan pintu..dengan gugup dia langsung membukakan pintu dan menyapa Yunho..


Yunho yang melihat Yuri masih memakai pakaian tidur jadi sangat kaget..Yuri yang melihat Yunho seperti itu,jadi bingung..

"Kenapa kau kaget?..apa ada yang salah denganku?"..

"Kenapa kau masih belum ganti baju?"..

"Lha,emangnya kenapa?"...

"Kan di telepon sudah aku bilang kalau aku ingin mengajakmu keluar"...

"Tapi emangnya kita mau kemana sih malam-malam begini?"..

"Sudah,..jangan banyak tanya lagi..cepat ganti bajumu,aku tunggu di mobil"...

Lalu Yunho berjalan menuju mobilnya..Tidak lama kemudian Yuri keluar dari rumah,lalu dia berjalan ke mobil Yunho.Yunho yang melihat Yuri dibuat tercengang dengan dandanan Yuri hingga tidak berkedip sedikit pun.Yuri yang melihat Yunho seperti itu menjadi heran..Lalu dia memanggil Yunho sambil menepuk punggungnya hingga Yunho tersadar.Yuri pun bertanya kenapa Yunho seperti itu.

"Hei...kenapa kau melihatku seperti itu?"..

"Oh tidak..aku hanya takjub saja..malam ini kau sangat cantik,Yuri"..
jawab Yunho.

Yuri yang mendengar pujian Yunho jadi tersipu malu.Lalu keduanya pun pergi ke restoran dekat pantai untuk makan malam.Saat sedang makan,tiba-tiba Yunho mengeluarkan setangkai bunga mawar putih dari balik saku jasnya dan memberikannya pada Yuri dan ini membuat Yuri terkejut..

"Ini Untukmu Yuri"...

"A...apa ini?"..

"Ini sebagai ungkapan rasa senangku karena kita bertemu lagi"..


Yunho mengangguk,walau sebenarnya dia ingin menyatakan perasaan cintanya pada Yuri..

"Oke..aku terima"...

Lalu mereka pun kembali melanjutkan makan malamnya..tapi tiba-tiba ponsel Yuri berdering.Lalu Yuri mengangkatnya yang ternyata adalah pimpinannya.Lalu Yuri dan Yunho bergegas ke TKP...

Setibanya di TKP...
Yuri dan Yunho langsung memeriksa kondisi mayat yang ternyata lagi-lagi adalah perwira Polisi...saat dia sedang memeriksanya,dia menemukan lubang bekas peluru yang berjumlah 7 dan ini membuat dia teringat dengan tragedi yang menimpa ayah dan ibunya itu yang mana sama persis dengan mayat tersebut...sontak saja dia langsung berlari meninggalkan TKP tersebut.

Yunho yang melihat Yuri berlari meninggalkan TKP,langsung mengejarnya sambil berteriak memanggil namanya tapi Yuri tidak menghiraukannya.Lalu Yuri menghentikan Taksi dan langsung pergi menuju pantai....

Yunho langsung kembali menuju TKP untuk mengambil mobil dan dia langsung tancap gas menyusul Yuri.Di pantai,..Yuri berdiri memandang ke atas langit yang mana sangat indah karena bulan dan bintang bersinar dengan sangat terangnya..dan dia pun menangis.Tidak lama kemudian Yunho pun tiba..dia langsung mencari Yuri dan tidak lama kemudian dia menemukan Yuri.Lalu dia berjalan menghampiri Yuri...

"Hai Yuri..."

Yuri terkejut mendengar seseorang memanggilnya dari belakang.Lalu dia berbalik dan dia sangat terkejut melihat Yunho berdiri di belakangnya..


Lalu Yunho berjalan ke arahnya dan berdiri di depan Yuri..

"Kenapa kau pergi begitu saja dari TKP?"..


Yunho terkejut melihat Yuri menangis

"Kau menangis?"...

"A..apa?..aku?..ah tidak"...

"Yuri..aku sudah mengenalmu sangat lama,jadi aku harap kau mau cerita kenapa kau pergi begitu saja tadi"...

Yuri menunduk..dan tiba-tiba dia langsung memeluk Yunho...Yunho terkejut dengan apa yang dia alami..lalu dia pun membalasnya dengan memeluk erat Yuri..dan tanpa disadari,tiba-tiba Yuri menangis dengan kencang..Yunho terkejut,lalu dia membelai rambut Yuri dan dia langsung menepuk punggung Yuri dengan penuh kasih sayang...


Selasa, 27 November 2012


This story is only fiction and it's not real..hope you enjoy read my story...

Cerita berawal saat Yuri masih berumur 5 tahun...
Saat itu dia hidup bahagia bersama kedua orang tuanya dan juga kakek dan neneknya di Jeju..Ayahnya adalah seorang Polisi yang sangat jujur dan dia dihormati oleh semua rekannya di kantor dan ibunya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa...Yuri sangat bahagia berada ditengah-tengah orang yang sangat mencintainya hingga suatu ketika semuanya menjadi suram....

Hari itu akan sangat diingat Yuri dan tidak akan pernah hilang dari ingatannya saat dia besar....waktu dia dan ibunya sedang berjalan pulang dari pasar,tiba-tiba saja sebuah mobil sedan mencegat Yuri dan ibunya...dan langsung saja orang yang didalam mobil itu mengarahkan senjata kearah mereka berdua dan tanpa ampun orang-orang itu memberondongkan peluru kearah Yuri dan ibunya...tapi Yuri tidak terkena peluru karena sang ibu langsung membalikkan badannya untuk melindungi Yuri hingga ibunya pun tewas di tempat...setelah itu orang-orang itu pergi sementara Yuri yang melihat ibunya terkapar,langsung berteriak membangunkan ibunya tapi ibunya tidak bereaksi sedikitpun dan Yuri pun menangis sekencang-kencangnya...

Sang ayah yang menerima telepon bahwa istrinya meninggal,dia langsung meninggalkan kantornya untuk segera ke rumah..Yuri yang melihat ayahnya datang,langsung memanggilnya dan mendengar Yuri memanggilnya,sang ayah langsung mendekapnya.Ayahnya pun bertanya siapa yang melakukan ini,Yuri mengatakan tidak tahu tapi Yuri mengatakan bahwa yang menembak ibunya adalah seorang pria botak dan bermata sipit dan yang lainnya memakai penutup wajah...

Setelah upacara pemakaman selesai...
Yuri dan ayahnya pulang ke rumah.Yuri minta ijin pada ayahnya untuk bermain di halaman belakang rumahnya....sementara ayahnya duduk di dalam rumah sambil menonton TV.Namun tidak lama kemudian,datanglah 3 unit sedan hitam masuk ke halaman rumah.Lalu sang ayah keluar untuk melihat siapa yang datang....tapi betapa terkejutnya dia saat melihat siapa yang datang...lalu dia kembali masuk kedalam rumah dan mengambil senjatanya...sementara dari dalam mobil,keluar 7 orang pria berpakaian hitam dengan senjata ditangan,..sementara didalam mobil tinggal 1 orang dengan menggunakan kacamata hitam...

Lalu dia memerintahkan ketujuh anak buahnya untuk menghabisi ayahnya Yuri..lalu ketujuhnya pun segera memberondongkan peluru ke arah rumah..Ayahnya Yuri segera berlindung dari tembakan itu..kemudian dia pun membalas tembakan hingga terjadi baku tembak dan tidak lama kemudian ayahnya pun tewas tertembak...

Yuri yang mendengar suara tembakan,langsung berlari kedalam rumah.Tapi dia lekas bersembunyi saat melihat 7 orang masuk kedalam rumah...dihadapannya dia melihat sang ayah terkapar dengan luka tembak didadanya...dan dia pun melihat ketujuh orang itu menginjak-injak tubuh ayahnya..lalu salah satunya pun menembakkan peluru ke tubuh ayahnya...dan tidak lama kemudian ketujuhnya keluar dari dalam rumah dan menuju mobil..salah satu melaporkan pada orang yang tinggal didalam mobil bahwa target sudah tewas dan orang itu langsung menyuruh masuk kedalam mobil...

Yuri pun melihat wajah orang itu ,dan dia pun mengepalkan tangannya...Lalu dia kembali kedalam rumah menemui ayahnya..lalu dia mengangkat tubuh ayahnya dan meletakkannya di pangkuannya..Yuri pun membangunkan ayahnya tapi ayahnya tidak bereaksi apapun dan meledaklah tangis Yuri...

Saat upacara pemakaman selesai...Yuri masih memandang nisan ayahnya...dia pun berjanji akan membalaskan dendam...saat dia akan meninggalkan pemakaman,datanglah seorang polisi yang mana polisi ini adalah atasan sekaligus sahabat ayahnya..dia ikut berduka cita atas kematian kedua orang tua Yuri.setelah memberikan penghormatan,sahabat ayahnya meminta Yuri agar mau tinggal dengannya..Yuri pun setuju...

15 tahun kemudian...
Setelah Yuri menyelesaikan sekolah Kepolisiannya,dia langsung ditempatkan dibagian penyelidikan yaitu sebagai detektif...tugasnya memang berat,tapi dia melakukannya dengan tanpa mengeluh karena dengan posisi ini,dia bisa mengetahui siapa yang membunuh kedua orang tuanya...berbagai kasus telah berhasil dia pecahkan dan ini membuatnya dipuji oleh atasannya yang tidak lain adalah ayah angkatnya dan juga oleh rekan-rekannya...

Dan dia pun akhirnya mendapatkan kasus yang mana ini berkaitan dengan kematian misterius Polisi di Seoul..dia pun ditugaskan kesana untuk menyelidiki siapa yang melakukannya dan dia pun menyanggupinya.,...Setibanya dia di Seoul,dia langsung menuju ke Markas besar Kepolisian untuk melaporkan kedatangannya..Setelah pimpinan di sana menerima surat kedatangannya,pimpinan tersebut langsung mengantarnya ke ruangannya....dan tanpa disangka-sangka,Yuri kembali bertemu dengan seniornya di sekolah dulu yaitu Yunho...


Minggu, 25 November 2012


Sebelumnya selamat pada NOAH yang sukses dalam setiap konsernya....tapi kali ini bukan itu yang ingin saya bahas di blog saya ini tapi saya ingin memberikan kecaman pada media yang kembali melakukan kesalahan yang sangat fatal untuk kesekian kalinya...

Saya sangat geram dengan pemberitaan yang ditujukan pada Ariel yang lagi-lagi disebut menjalin hubungan dengan seorang pramugari yang justru bersuami dan bagi saya ini sudah sangat keterlaluan dan tidak beretika sama sekali...dan saya merasa media di negeri ini tidak ubahnya seperti paparazzi di luar negeri..tapi disini saya justru menganggap media di negeri ini adalah sampah yang harus segera dibuang dari negeri ini...

Saya berharap dewan pers bertindak tegas terhadap media yang memberitakan fitnah ini,jangan sekali-kali melakukan mediasi tapi justru kembali diulangi...saya heran saja dengan tingkah laku media kali ini yang tidak juga berubah sama sekali dalam melakukan pemberitaan.

Apakah kejadian Ariel 2010 belum juga membuat kalian puas,hah?...sungguh tidak punya hati nurani dan perasaan kalian semua...asal kalian tahu,akibat paling buruk gara-gara pemberitaan kalian itu adalah terjadi pada keluarga masing-masing dan sampai saat ini pun mungkin masih terjadi hingga membuat ormas yang sok paham agama itu ikut campur dengan dalih merusak moral bangsa....nah bukankah itu lucu?...bagaimana bisa ormas tersebut berkata demikian,..bukannya terbalik?..

Saat ini Ariel sedang berusaha bangkit dengan sahabat-sahabatnya,jadi saya mohon pada kalian para media sampah yang terhormat,..berhentilah memuat berita negatif tentang Ariel..dan sadarlah atas kesalahan kalian ini....masih belum sadar juga?...

Selasa, 20 November 2012


Akhirnya kenyataan paling pahit diterima juga oleh MU di liga champions yaitu kalah dari Galatasaray 1-0 di Istanbul...memang harus diakui bahwa Galatasaray jauh lebih kuat jika bermain di kandang sendiri apalagi ditambah suporternya yang sangat intimidatif pada klub Inggris meskipun MU menurunkan pemain lapis keduanya..

Memang MU hanya menurunkan pemain lapis keduanya dan ditambah faktor telah lolosnya ke babak 16 besar tapi bukan berarti MU harus menurunkan pemain lapis keduanya apalagi ini bermain di "NERAKA" di Turki yang mana memiliki suporter paling fanatik di Eropa..jadi seharusnya MU tetap memainkan pemain utamanya agar menjadi modal untuk menghadapi derby Manchester....

Sebagai fans sejati MU,tentu saja saya kecewa dengan kekalahan ini apalagi gol yang dicetak selalu saja dari sepak pojok dan ini sudah kesekian kalinya MU kebobolan dengan mudah akibat ketidakcermatan para pemain MU dalam mengantisispasi sepak pojok serta tendangan bebas dan pergerakan tanpa bola pemain lawan...dan lagi-lagi inilah yang selalu menjadi penyebab kenapa MU mudah sekali kebobolan dan bagi saya tidak ada hubungannya dengan ketidakhadiran Vidic tapi ini murni karena pemain belakang MU yang tidak fokus selama 90 menit...

Memang pemain belakang yang dimiliki MU sangat terbatas akibat cedera tapi harusnya SAF bisa menyiasati itu dengan menempatkan beberapa pemain untuk bermain di posisi bek tengah,tapi justru tidak dilakukan oleh SAF....

Ini akan sangat berbahaya menjelang derby Manchester nanti jika tidak juga bisa ditemukan solusinya dan mimpi buruk musim lalu akan terus menghantui MU yaitu kekalahan paling memalukan dari sitetangga berisik itu yaitu kekalahan 1-6 di Old Trafford...

Kalau saya adalah pelatih Manchester United maka saya akan menempatkan beberap pemain di posisi bek tengah,kalau perlu posisi kiper pun akan saya rubah yang mana kiper utama akan dinaikkan menjadi striker,itu jika diperlukan...ini bukan sekedar lelucon..meskipun tidak memiliki lisensi kepelatihan(walaupun sebenarya sangat ingin),tapi saya punya sesuatu yang sangat ekstrem untuk dilakukan dan saya yakin ini pasti akan berhasil di derby Manchester nanti...

Dan ini skema yang akan saya terapkan dan anggaplah ini skema darurat...

Skema saya adalah : 4-3-1-2

*Goalkeeper : Carrick

*Defense : Rafael-Rooney-Rio-Evra

*Midfielder :Valencia-Scholes-Giggs

*Playmaker : Kagawa

*Striker : De Gea-RvP

My next formation : 3-4-1-2

*Goalkeeper : Rooney

*Defense : Valencia-Jones-Evra

*Midfielder : Nani-Carrick-Powell-Young

*Playmaker : Scholes

*Striker : Lindegaard-Kagawa

Next formation : 4-2-4

Goalkeeper : Ferdinand

*Defense : Jones-Smalling-Carrick-Evra

*Midfielder : Scholes-Anderson

Striker : Rooney-Chicharitho-Kagawa-RvP

Next formation : 4-3-1-2

*Goalkeeper : Jones

*Defense : Smalling-Rio-Evans-Evra

*Midfielder : Valencia-Carrick-Young

*Playmaker : Rooney

*Striker : Lindegaard-RvP

Itulah beberapa formasi saya yang tak lazim meskipun banyak sekali yang ingin saya kembangkan,tapi saya rasa untuk saat ini sudah cukup...Saya sangat berharap MU tidak lagi kalah di akhir pekan nanti setelah kalah di dua pertandingan terakhir...saya berharap semua pemain benar-benar fokus 100% di setiap pertandingan...

Senin, 19 November 2012


Morning .. Ji Won left the set that is in Jeju and she drives her own car ... she drove very fast without the slightest fear ..

During the trip, she turned the music on her car ....suddenly her cell phone rang, and she picked up the phone in the bag is placed to the right of the seat ... when the phone is removed, suddenly crashed into the dashboard ...

with annoyance, she fumbled dashboard floor to retrieve it but the phone still does not get it, then she bowed his head to the dashboard, and she saw a cell phone, then pick it up ..

But when she would lift her face, she was surprised by a few feet to see a man crossing the road crossing ...

Then she honked it tight, even this man turned around and then scream and Ji Won ago

deep brakes until the car stops .. then Ji Won out of her car and walked toward the man and immediately rebuked ..

"Hey you! .. Want to find dead huh? ..".

The man who is still in a state of severe shock, was surprised to hear speech of Ji Won..then he too replied,.

"What did you say? ... I look dead?, Not any of you say that?"..

Casually Ji Won answered, "then why did you walk the middle road is busy?" ..

The man who heard the speech Ji Won, finally became furious and said to himself, .. "this woman ...."

Then the man asked for compensation on Ji Won, but Ji Won ignored and she looked at her watch and she was surprised that she would be late to the set. Then she walked toward her car and then immediately step into the gas leaving him with an angry face ...

Arriving on the set ... Ji Won immediately met with director of the film .. the director who saw Ji Won came late, immediately rebuked him angrily .. Ji Won apologize andpromised not to be late again ...

then she went straight to the room to change clothes costume that has been provided.Not long after changing costumes, Ji Won directly shooting.After her job done, she too excused herself to go back to Seoul ...

In the meantime ..

The man who was almost hit by Ji Won also got the same thing is reprimanded by his manager for being late ...

The man who turned out to be a famous pianist and he apologized directly perform sound checks on stage that had been prepared, having felt everything was ready, he too returned to the locker room to change into his stage costume for the evening he should immediately appear ... and he did not know what which will take place in front of him later.

Later that night, the concert was held .. .. The host immediately called the man's

"Let's welcome the pianist us, .. HYUN BIN!" ..

So Hyun Bin came out from backstage and walked toward his piano.After respectful greeting to the audience, he immediately sat down and began to play piano ...

While Ji Won at home ... She is again in a state of anger and upset over what had happened on the road, then turn on the TV and started looking for her favourite channel.

She accidentally pressed the music channel which happened to a piano concert performed Hyun Bin also broadcast on TV ... then Ji Won watch while eating a snack ..

Then she was surprised to see who was playing the piano while singing ... "on, .. in, .. he's ... not the person who almost hit me?" ....

Then Ji Won watch it until the end and Ji Won felt calm after watching it .. deep down she said, .. "it turns out he is a pianist and singer huh?, .. if so, I have to apologize to the man" ...

The Next day....

After receiving a phone number and home address of the manager Hyun Bin, Ji Won right call.

But after many times but it still does not answer a call to make Ji Won also upset..
Then she went to the house Hyun Bin.
Arriving home Hyun Bin, Ji Won was surprised to see the house of Hyun Bin..

"huh?, is this the home of a piano player and famous singer? .. tiny" .

Hyun Bin who heard the doorbell rang, immediately opened the door and how shocked he was to see who was standing in front of him ...

"You! ... How did you know my house? ".. Ji Won just smiled .. then she asked Hyun Bin to tell him to get in and Hyun Bin obeyed.

Hyun Bin was invited her to sit and Hyun Bin offered a drink on Ji Won and Hyun Bin went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to take a soft drink and he gave the Ji Won.

Then Hyun Bin ask why Ji Won came to the house ...

Ji Won replied that the purpose of her coming was to apologize for the incident at that time.Hyun Bin just smiled and then he laughed ...

Ji Won who saw it, so upset and he rose from his seat and stood ... with feeling upset she left and she too turned and stepped toward the exit.

Hyun Bin were seen Ji Won coming out, directly prevented by holding her hand ...

"Hey wait a minute ... where are you going?" ...

Ji Won replied, "I'm going home" ...

"Why go home? ... I do not accept your apology,right?", asked Hyun Bin.

Still feeling upset, Ji Won replied, "For what? ... I'm all the way over here to apologize for what happened at that time, and you're laughing at me" ..

Hearing this, Hyun Bin smiled.

Then he said, "oh that .. I'm sorry.I laughed because it was the first time a woman apologized to me .. if so, well ... I accept your apology but on one condition "....
"Conditions? .. What terms?"
, Asked Ji Won. "You must come with me to eat here", said Hyun Bin.Ji Won surprised to hear it, and she agreed.

Hyun Bin was invited Ji Won to the dining room in his house.Then he was invited Ji Won to sit ...

Then Hyun Bin asked Ji Won also to eat with him and Ji Won obeyed and then they both eat together ... not long after they were done eating ...

Then Ji Won said, .. "your piano performance and your sound nice too" ...

Hyun Bin who hear it stunned, and asked .. "how, how do you know?" ... "I saw you on TV yesterday," said Ji Won. "Oh, thank you .. I'm so embarrassed", said Hyun Bin to blush ...

Ji Won that observed Hyun Bin then so laughable ..

Before Ji Won home, Hyun Bin asked if I could see you again or not.

Ji Won nodded, and then she started her car and left Hyun Bin .. On the way home, Ji Won kept remembering the meeting ...

While at home, Hyun Bin was very happy to meet with Ji Won ... he did not expect the first meeting which initially made him upset would be a great meeting his happy ...But Hyun Bin did not know who Ji Won really are.

The next day ..

Ji Won could not concentrate on her work as an artist, her mind always pictured on Hyun Bin ..Hyun Bin while also experiencing the same thing .. he can not concentrate with the game piano and voice control.This makes the two managers each be surprised.
Second by second, minute by minute until the months passed by them but the flavor was still not gone to make them sleep soundly .. until they finally decided to meet somewhere.

There ..
Hyun Bin and Ji Won expressed their feelings and they also got married a year later ... and over a year later they were given a descent that is a baby girl who they named "KIM NARA" ...

After their babies were both born, they lived happily until one day something unexpected happened .. their home was hit by a storm and the peak is when Ji Won photo circulated to sleep with a guy to make his heart broken and he decided to divorced with Ji Won ..

Ji Won while trying to explain the truth, but Hyun Bin does not matter ... after 2 months after the divorce, Hyun Bin decided to go live in Bali with his daughter, who was also taken along.

While Ji Won deeply regretted the incident and she hung up on her and disappeared from the frenetic entertainment ... and living life as usual ...

While Hyun Bin even so .. he lived his life only with his daughter to be happy even though he feels something is missing from his heart, namely "Ji Won." To get the money, Hyun Bin applying for a piano teacher at a music school in Bali.

While Ji Won become farmers apples and grapes and orange citrus owned by her father..

10 years later .....
Kim Na Ra started growing up .... she started learning to play the piano without the knowledge of her father ... but everything fell apart when Hyun Bin home teaching,he heard the sound of the piano in the house, and he rushed to his house and he was surprised to see his daughter play piano with perfect ...

then he opened the door slowly and deliberately stood not far from where his daughter was playing ... and then when Nara done, Hyun Bin clapping to make Na Ra surprised.

Hyun Bin then walked to his daughter seat ...

"Your piano game are nice ..." "Oh daddy, do not go overboard .... I'm not as good as you at playing the piano " ..

"No Na Ra .. you're good,. Where did you learn to play the piano?a father never taught you "...

"Learning alone, dad .. when dad left teaching, I try to play it casually .. swear" ...

So Hyun Bin rose from his chair and walked to his room and took the suitcase in the cupboard.
Then he opened the trunk and took the piece of paper that contains text notes and lyrics that actually create for Ji Won as their wedding gift he should bring but he could not do due to the incident ... So Hyun Bin out of the room carrying the paper and gave the paper to Na Ra and asked her to play the song.
Na Ra then try to play the song.Hyun Bin surprised when he saw Na Ra plays that song.

He did not think that Na Ra could play very well.Then he listen Na Ra plays his song was ... when he listened to the song,He thought back to the good times and happy with Ji Won.until he realized that without the tears falling down his cheeks.and without him knowing also that Nara was seen.

And Na Ra immediately stop playing. Then Na Ra rose from her chair and walked to the porch where her father was sitting.
Na Ra who saw him crying, and asked her father.

"Daddy,. Why you wept when I play a song that you give? '.

Hyun Bin instantly woke up and quickly wipe tears and asked, ..

"what,. what Na Ra?, you say what?".Na Ra who saw her father's behavior, just smiles and again repeat the last question ...

"I asked, why daddy wept when I played the song again?".

"Oh i, .. it .. daddy do not cry , daddy touched just because you play that song very well and perfect", Hyun Bin replied haltingly ...

"you did not lie,did you?", Asked suspiciously Na Ra ....

"No, no Na Ra .. father did not lie.But why you may think that the father was? "....

"That's not like that,dad .. I just feel like when I play this song, I feel like to be someone else." Hyun Bin surprise.

Then he asked,. "Others? Mean?" .....

"Look daddy .., when I read the lyrics, the song is like expression of great love for someone," said Na Ra.

"Oh you're joking, Na Ra ... you were still small and not worth comments like that "... Na Ra just smiled and went on her word ...

"Dad .. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 17 years old and I really know the meaning of the song itu.Dad, I want to ask you .. this song was made for mother? ".

Hyun Bin was shocked and tried to dodge and change the subject ..

"Ah come on Na Ra ... should you go to sleep because tomorrow i would invite you to music school where daddy worked and I'll put you there to hone your talent is.How, you like it? ".

Na Ra nodded and followed her father's words despite the curiosity of her mind was still alight.

Then she immediately went to the room.

Meanwhile, Hyun Bin still sitting on the porch and keep that memory with Ji Won and unconsciously he cried.

Na Ra who heard her father cries, immediately got up from her bed and walked out of the her room.She saw her father crying and finally he too began to cry.

Inwardly she promised that she would return to her father's happiness. The next morning .... Hyun Bin keep his promises on Na Ra ...

There, Na Ra makes everyone stunned and amazed at her ability.Then the owner of a music school that advocated Hyun Bin to include Na Ra in a music competition in Denpasar.Hyun Bin thought for a while and he finally agrees to call it.And struggle .. Na Ra started unexpectedly, Na Ra won the race and make she happy.

Then she ran to her father and jumped into the arms of her father ... but a year later, everything changed 180 degrees.
Hyun Bin from sickly to make him resign as a teacher, but he did not notify the Na Ra. He was then working odd jobs, from gardener to janitor, Na Ra until finally know the condition of his father when Hyun Bin was hospitalized.

At the last moment, Hyun Bin to tell the truth on the Na Ra ...

"Na Ra ... before daddy left,daddy wanted to say something to you .. in fact your mother is still alive and now she's living in Korea.
Your mother was a famous artist there and the father, the father is a pianist and songwriter there. We both met for the first time in unpleasant conditions.
But all that ended with a wonderful mother who started the courage to apologize to the father ... And not long after we got married and lived happily until you are born into the world.When you were born,father and mother lived very happily until the events that destroys happiness mom and dad. When your mother was circulated photo with a man in a sleeping state in a hotel room. Father admitted that time was very emotional father and mother to disregard explanations decided to split from the mother and brought you here. "

"So you knew where the mother now?" Ask Na Ra ... "Sorry Na Ra .. daddy did not know.Buti believes she's still in Korea "...

"So the song that daddy asked me to play a song that's for a mother?" .... Hyun Bin nodded.

Then Na Ra asked again, ..

"Is daddy still love mom?" .. "until now even until the last moment of daddy,daddy will never forget your mother .. daddy loved your mother", Hyun Bin said while tears to make Na Ra was crying.

"Na Ra .. if you want to meet your mother, you must be a pianist.If you want to know the name and face of your mother, you can see the photo in a suitcase stored fathers in cupboard and if you see a butterfly brooch, please you give to your mother when you meet.She'll know if it's the father .. last, in that case there is a collection of songs for the father and the father had not been recorded.You can bring the songs and if your mother to hear the songs he would know and recognize you because only a mother who knows the father of songs ".

So Hyun Bin blind eye forever.Na Ra who saw her father like that, screamed hysterically as she shook her father's body in order to open his eyes but still can not and Na Ra was crying like crazy.

1 day after the funeral ...
Na Ra entered her father's room and opened the suitcase located in cupboard.She look inside, and then she pulled down and she too opened the suitcase. Na Ra saw a picture and she took it, and then she saw the photo where there is a father and mother who were carried the baby ... after seeing the photo, she too cried ..

"Mom, are you really evil to not do that to my father and me? .. Did you know that now the father is not there? .. But now I really miss you .. really, really miss you" .. and she flipped the photo and read the inscription was photographed ... "Ha Ji Won" ..

As she continued to cry, Na Ra went to see the contents of the her father suitcase.She sees a butterfly brooch and a collection of paper containing the lyrics and complete with the notes.But what makes her surprise is her father's diary that is tucked under the paper.Then she took the diary and read it.

After reading it, Nara cry .. "Dad, you really really love mother so much?" ...
Then Nara put the diary back into the suitcase and put it into the cupboard and she too went to bed.

The next morning .. Nara went to music school ... when she is teaching, Nara called spatial music owners ... upon arriving there and be seated, the owner gave her a piece of paper ..of course she was surprised, and asked .. "i, .. is what sir?". "You read it first, then you will know" .. said the owner.

Nara Then read it and how shocked she set it read .. "i, is it?" ... Owner nodded.

"But sir, I never fill out any forms to even audition" ..

"It's true that time Nara ..i also do not know but after it was explained to them that they have been watching you since you won in Denpasar time, eventually i know the reason they sent the paper here. And i think, you deserve and should audition for it.Would you Nara? "...

" But sir? "..

"I know you are still in doubt .. but I believe that if your father is still there, he'll agree and tell you to come.I'm sure you can Nara and it's time you do it ... follow Nara, for the sake of your father ".

After hearing that, Nara agreed to an audition which was located in Denpasar ... At home .. Nara looked at the photograph of her father. "Dad .. 2 more days I'll be leaving for Denpasar to audition for it.I hope you in heaven can see me and support me.I promise I will not disappoint you dad.I will make you proud and I can certainly see mom and filling what you ask me .. I promise dad!".

2 days later ...

After saying goodbye to her father at the tomb and also all the music school, Nara went into Denpasar.
Once there, she immediately submit the application form on the committee .. and then she was asked to wait her turn to be called.
Then she too sat in a chair provided by the committee.About 1 hour, Nara finally was called to come into the room where the three judges was waiting.
After greetings, Nara supplied directly to the piano.Before she begin, Nara closed her eyes and prayed.

Then she too started to play with her rendition.When she played, the three judges was made shocked and surprised with the game of Nara.

So without further ado, the three agreed to release her to Jakarta.

Before the day of departure ....
Nara went to the tomb and there she begged permission and blessing from her father.
After that she went to music school to say good-bye as she asked for the prayers and support and also thanked her for everything so far.
And the day of departure arrived .. after saying goodbye to everyone in the school musical, sshe too soon departed for the airport to go to Jakarta.
Above the plane, Nara looked towards the window and he too remembered her tears until she fell unconscious.

45 minutes later, she arrived in Jakarta.
After being picked up by the committee, she too was immediately taken to the hotel to join with 11 other participants who have passed the audition.
Incidentally she and eleven other participants got a room each.
After putting her stuff in the cupboard, Nara immediately lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling ...

"Daddy,...i was here to realized my dream and my promises too.So,please pray for me order to i can make it all of that"...,and she was sleeping.The next morning before competition began, all participants are allowed to practice playing the piano after the committee gives the song that has been chosen by them.But while the other 11 participants get a song that is easy, just get the song Nara difficult and she never played before and she's never heard the song up to make quite frantic .. afraid to lose before reaching the final.Then she returned to her room.

Her room ....
She looked again at the paper was given by the committee that song .. "Ah .. how do I bring this song huh? ... I never heard this song before .. Ah shit!. what should I do? .. i do not want to lose early, I want to win .. Dad, what should I do?, help me daddy .. "....And Nara fell asleep.

In her sleep, she dreamed of meeting her father.
She also told her troubles on her father.Hyun Bin smiled. Then he hugged Nara, saying that the difficulties experienced when this is the beginning of victory and must be faced, and also when Hyun Bin convince Nara if she can certainly carry a tune and Hyun Bin also encouraged Nara in order to keep the spirit and smile. So Hyun Bin disappeared ...

Nara awakened from sleep because there was a knock on the door .. then she got up from the bed to the door of her room .. when she opened the door, there was a crew who told her to get ready to the location as promptly at 17:00, she and the other must leave immediately because right at 20.00 the show will began .. and even then crew go.Nara went back to bed and wait for a call from the crew. And the evening game started ..

Nara was the last, feeling nervous .. but soon she mastered her emotions and draw a deep breath and release it .. and when the announcer called her name,she walked straight onto the stage ..she was surprised at the number of people watching to make sure she saluted and stood transfixed by MC called her name .. with mixed feelings, she headed towards the piano and she sat ..before she played it, she closed her eyes and prayed .. then she too began to play a song given to her ...

When she played, the three judges were stunned, then looked at each other ...

"hey how that girl can change the tone?" ..

after Nara finished playing, and then she waited for comments from all three judges.. yet she was surprised to see the reaction of the judges who just quietly without saying a broken even .. a moment later, the three judges stood and clapped in unison and said ...

"YOU HOT ..", then the three judges held up their thumbs ..

Nara who saw that she was jumping for joy and cried, and then she went back to the backstage.And the competition was more easy for her until she was advanced to the final by defeating all participants ...

1 week ahead of the final ...
Nara suddenly fainted, until taken to the hospital by the organizers ... after the doctor check the condition of Nara, the doctor was out of the room Nara .. and the organizers asked the doctor about the condition finalists ..
The doctor replied that Nara is okay and only suffered fatigue alone and had to rest for 1 week ..
and the doctor went away.Nara who heard it immediately rose from his bed, and he also drew an IV out of his hand and tried to get out of bed but lucky prevented by the organizers ..

"What are you doing? .. said the doctor, you need a break" .. "No brother, .. I do not want to break until 1 week because it is the final and I do not want to lose my dream" .. "We know, Nara .. but we will postpone the final until you recover", said the organizers.

"No brother .. I did not want to postpone it, .. I still can.I beg you, I want to go back to the hotel and practice .. I beg you "..

The organizers were finally relented and granted the request Nara, but the organizers ask for a break Nara Nara minimal1 full day and obeyed.

On arrival at the hotel, .. Nara delivered to her room and then she headed for the bed and lay down ..

After resting for 1 full day, Nara returned to practice for the final, she and her opponent had to bring 3 pieces of songs on stage.1 song from jury selection and two songs are songs free .. And has begins ... Her opponent gets the first turn onto the stage and successfully received positive comments from all three judges .. Then turn up the Nara on the stage.But the first song, she failed to receive positive comments from all three jury.Next Nara and her opponent have a second chance that is played a second song free songs of their choice each other.And Nara again get a comment which is not good from the three jury.After Nara and her opponent finished played a second .. they were given a short break before playing the last song.

Backstage ....
While waiting to appear .. opponents boasted that he would win but Nara just smiled to upset her opponent .Then her opponent get the first chance the song choices last but he did not get good comments from all three judges and opponent goes backstage with irritation..a while Nara waiting a announcer called her name, was very nervous and when her name was called, she drew a deep breath and then walked onto the stage, carrying her father's scores.

After the greeting, Nara straight to the piano and sat down, putting the score in front of her. Shortly Nara closed her eyes and prayed in her heart.Then she started to play .. when she played, including all the people who watched all three judges were amazed and shocked by the Nara.

The three judges looked at each other and asked who the songs are sung.Then they later listening and watching the game Nara.

One of the judges closed the eyes.After Nara finished playing the song choice, she stood up and walked a few steps forward to judges.Then three judges stood and applauded in unison, saying,.

"Perfect!. You play with very perfect.Congratulation!" ..

Nara who heard it, immediately cried happy and eventually she was named the winner and shall be entitled to 1 billion dollars and plus she has a right to follow the Asia Championship to be held in Seoul three months. Upon final completion and awaiting the day of her departure to Seoul, Nara returned to her home. She had no idea when she returned home, she was greeted with great splendor by the people at music schools and communities were cut see her.Then she met the owner of the school to say thank you for what is given to her and her father. . then Nara farewell home.

At home .....
She stared at a framed photograph of her father on the wall ... "Dad .. I won! .3 Months I will follow the championship in do not worry,I will keep my promise even though I do not know if I could meet with her or not".

Day of departure arrived, ..
Before that, Nara went to her father's grave and pray there.After that she said goodbye to everyone in the school band and also the surrounding community.

On the way to the airport, Nara continues to view photos mom and dad came up to her and her crew at the airport.

After doing the boarding pass and the others, they went straight to the plane as soon want to take off.Nara and arrived in Seoul ... Then Nara and crew to the hotel provided by the organizer.

Meanwhile, at another time .. Ji Won is rebuilding her career was destroyed by the slander which was done by the manager herself.

Then Ji Won entrust her career to a new manager is none other than former manager Hyun Bin.And the unexpected by Nara happen.Nara did not know that Ji Won will be present to watch but not as a spectator but as a jury ordinary event.

And the show begins ...
One by one participant has demonstrated his ability, and Nara's turn to show.After her name was called by host, she then walked to the stage.

When going to greet her, she was shocked by what she saw. Before her she saw the figure of the woman she's been longing for.

Unknowingly tears welling drip, then spontaneously just walked over to the table Nara jury to make everyone present became confused and not to mention the judges, especially Ji Won.Following up on the table a few feet jury, Nara stopped to make herself right in front of Ji Won.

With tears in her eyes, looked at Ji Won Nara continue to make all people become confused especially Ji Won.

Then one of the judges asked the Nara. Nara but did not answer.Ji Won finally rose from her chair and approached Nara stood still

Then ask Nara, but Nara did not answer.

Then unexpectedly by Ji Won, Nara suddenly hugged Ji Won to make a present to be surprised no exception Ji Won.

Ji Won tried to pull hug but can not because Nara Nara further strengthen the arms and whispered in the Ji Won to let her to hug her and Ji Won obeyed.

Very long hug Nara Nara Ji Won to finally release the arms from the body Ji Won .. Then she went back to the piano, and then she immediately played a song written by her father to her mother.Ji Won will be returning to her seat stopped in her tracks when she heard the piano and songs wave played Nara.

She was very surprised to hear that song because suddenly it directly touches the heart and remind her the figure of her ex-husband, Hyun Bin. When finished playing the song she chose, Nara walked directly to the back of the stage, crying happy.

Meanwhile, Ji Won stood still and her eyes filled with tears ...
"Why when she hugged me, I felt like a hug Hyun Bin and when she sang it, why I like seeing the figure of Hyun Bin?", Asks Ji Won in the heart.Then she returned to her seat.And came the announcement of who will advance to the final and Nara eventually qualify for the finals.

3 days before the final started ..
At home ... Ji Won pacing in the living room until the manager came over and asked Ji Won.

"Ji Won ... why are you pacing like a confused?". "Manager .. you know with participants from Indonesia?" .... "Oh you mean Kim Nara?" Replied the manager.Ji Won nodded.

"So what?"..

"Well manager .. why since the first day when he suddenly hugged me, I felt the presence of Hyun Bin as inner girl" ..

Manager was immediately shocked, ..

"what?, Hyun Bin said?".

"Yes Manager ... and another one that makes me feel the presence of Hyun Bin is her piano playing is very similar to Hyun Bin".

"Actually I also feel so, Ji Won '...

"What manager? .. You also feel that?", Asked Ji Won.

Manager nodded.Then Ji Won walked into her room.
then she took the photo is on the table and took her to his bed and look at it.

"Hyun Bin ... why every time I see her, I feel your presence, and every girl's rendition of it, why do I always see you inside her? ... Darling, I miss you", then she too fell asleep .. .

In the hotel room ....
Nara looked at the photograph of his father, and then he started crying .. "Dad .. I was so happy when this.I do not care about winning or lost.The important thing is I've met with her even though she does not know me, but it does not matter to me ..Dad, when I hold her, I really feel the warmth of a mother who is very old and now I miss it happen.In the finals, I will use a butterfly brooch and it will be memorable rendition of father and mother .. I promise, Dad "... and Nara sleep holding his photo.

And the final day has come..Opponent of Nara get first chance to show ability.When her opponent finished play the first song,her opponent get not good comment of judges.Then the turn of Nara is come but she do not bring that song because she will playing that song in second chance.After she playing the first song,she get good comment of three of judges.Nara is so happy and then she goes back to the backstage to prepared herself for second performance.

After the name of her opponent called to the stage by the host above,she opened her bag and took the butterfly brooch and embed it on her.after opponents finished last rendition,she turn called up the stage.Then she is rose from her sit and walked quickly up the stage.While on stage..,she is stopped her steps and she is turned around and stood right in front of Ha Ji Won.

Then Nara looked at Ji Won.Ji Won looked surprised at Nara.."why does she keep staring at me like that?",ask Ji Won in the heart.Then Nara smiled and walked back to the piano.Ji Won looked surprised with Nara's smile.its alike with Hyun Bin smile...heart of Ji Won to be not calm with what she looking at.

Then Nara began playing the song that she wanted from the beginning.When Nara play,Ji Won was surprised to hear it,so is her manager.Spontaneous either Ji Won or manager immediately stood because they are very familiar with that song,as welll as with the audience in attendance...they also spontaneously stood up.Ji Won did not thought that if she will return to hear the song again and suddenly she is to shed a tears.Just like Ji Won,her manager had never thought that if it would re-sung because the song that made the former artist he loved to be known.

"Who is this girl anyway?..why do i always feel if she is very similar to Hyun Bin?",ask manager in the heart.

After the song is finished,Nara rose from her chair and stepped forward the stage to receive comments.And Ji Won was surprised to see a butterfly brooch which clung on to Nara.

"A brooch?...Hyun Bin ever gave that brooch to me..but why is she wearing it?"...ask Ji Won to makes heart of Ji Won to be not quiet.

After receiving a comments from all judges,Nara back to backstage.But when she'd stepped int the backstage,Ji Won Called her..."Hey wait!"...

Nara stopped and back to the front of stage.Ji Won rose from her chair and walked toward Nara...after facing each other,Ji Won asked Nara..

"Who are you? do you know that song?..the song was created by someone that i love until this day,..but why you play it?..and that butterfly brooch,it same with the brooch given by person i love for me"....

Nara smiled..then she back to the backstage and leave Ji Won alone on the stage..And it was time the announcement of winners..and last Nara won this competition.Nara jumping for joy until make Ji Won instantly surprised with behaviour of Nara

"Why her acted same as Hyun Bin?..who is she?"..

A week after the final...
Nara clearing her belongings to return to Bali .. but before that, she asked the crew to accompany her to see Ji Won ..

Ji Won Arriving home, she rang the bell but the out precisely manager of Ji Won.
A manager who see Arrival of Nara was surprised,he then directly to meet her...

"You? are the winner of the competition right?..what are you doing here?",..ask the manager.

"Greetings sir .. I want to meet with Miss Ji Won, whether she is at home?",Nara answer.

"Ji Won? .. Is there any met with Ji Won ?" ..."I was her fans,. I just want to give this gift as a token of my gratitude for her comments and also as a sign of apology at the time the incident" ...

"But i'm really sorry..she wasn't home,she has shooting in Jeju.If you don't mind,you can leave to me,i was her manager"..

"Oh all right then"..
then Nara give that box to manager of Ji Won.."and please tell her if i will return to Indonesia today"..

Then Nara excused herself and went back to the hotel ... minutes after Nara away, Ji Won comes ... and then she went into her house .. manager was immediately welcomed ..

"you were home?"...

is there any message for me?",..
ask Ji Won.

"No...but there is a girl who coming here and she gave this box for you"...

"A girl?..who?"....

"That girl who won competition that time"..

her manager nodded.

"She said if she will back home to Indonesia today"...

the manager is nodded

Then she opened that she was surprised when opened that box...

"This ... is it?" ... Then she picked up one by one item in the box was .. manager was also looking at the contents of the box ..

"It's the papers Hyun Bin's song he had never sang," .. said the manager was. Ji Won was surprised to hear the words of his manager ..

"What did you say manager?" ...

"Look Ji Won .. before the incident, Hyun Bin once told me that he has 10 songs which he created, and everything he dedicate to you .. but where did she get it?" ...

When Ji Won unpacking the box, she saw a photograph of which is under the box .. and she took it.What a surprise she saw the photo ...

"This picture was taken during the photo .. Ara was born" ... and Ji Won saw an envelope tucked inside the box, then she picked it up and opened it and then she read it ...As she read it .. suddenly she cried .. then immediately stepped out of the house .. Manager tries prevent it ..

"Hei..where are you going?...

"Manager,..please let me go...i want to meet her".."Who do you mean with her?.."

"That Girl!"...
the manager was confused,then he said,.."you mean Kim Nara?"..Ji Won nod...

"What she is?", Asked her manager again .. then Ji Won took the photos and letters she had read and gave it to her manager .. Her manager see what is Ji Won given .. how surprised he was after seeing ...

"So,. So she is your daughter?" ..

"Now where is she, manager?" ..

"I do not know Ji Won ... maybe she was going to the airport" ..
then Ji Won asked her manager to accompany her to meet Nara ... then they immediately go to the airport ...

while it was at the airport .. while waiting for the announcement of her departure, Nara smiled happily as she had kept her promise to her father .. and the tears fall unknowingly .. and 5 minutes later the announcement of the departure of the aircraft was announced ..

Then Nara quickly wiped her tears and then towards the departure gate ... after passing the examination room, Nara and her crew went straight to the plane and after being told by a flight attendant seat, Nara sat ... and soon the plane was taking off ...

Meanwhile, Ji Won and manager up at the airport and headed straight into ... but she did not find her .. then Ji Won asked whether the info on the plane to Indonesia had already left or not.And officials said that the plane had already left 5 minutes ago .... burst into tears Ji Won there .. Then her manager brought her home ...

At home...
Ji Won still keep stare a photo that Nara given that time.Then she took the box that Nara give from her cupboard...then she opened and she opened envelope that Nara give..and Ji Won was happy because Nara write the address on the letter..then she immediately picked up the bag and took a some clothes and she immediately goes to the airport without the knowledge of her manager.Not much later her manager arrived at her house and he was surprised to see an empty house..and he quickly called Ji Won..

Ji Won had a phone call from the manager .. and she said that she would go to Indonesia to see her daughter ..

Her manager was shocked and could not get anything ... Arriving in Bali ... Ji Won immediately hailed a taxi and asked to be delivered to the address she gave.Then the cab drove to the addressee ... when she got at home Nara .. Ji Won surprised to see the condition of the house is very simple .. and then she went into the house .. but no one at all ...

Then she asked the locals where the owner of this house .. and people say that the owner of that house was to the grave ..

Ji Won then immediately went to the tomb and went away there, she saw a woman praying .. then she approached her .. and how shocked she was when she saw a photograph displayed on the tombstone and Hyun Bin turns photos ...

Ji Won could not hold back tears and tears suddenly fell and she was crying ...
hear someone crying, .. women who turned out to Nara directly stop praying .. and she turned around and saw who stands behind it ...What a surprise she saw the figure of a woman standing behind her.


Then Nara stand ...Ji Won immediately embraced and hugged her .. and they cried to each other ..

"Please forgive me Nara,...once again please forgive me!"...

and Nara release her arms and said ..

"Since the beginning I've forgiven mom ... and I'm happy to see the you in good health ..and I knew that it was not your fault, and I was sure of it after reading the diary of daddy "...

"What?..diary?,..Nara...what do you mean?"..

Then Nara took her to the house .. and she immediately gave her father's diary to her mother .. then Ji Won read it .. and when she read it, she involuntarily cried ..Ji Won finally figured out that he very love her till his last day ... and Ji Won closed the diary and said to Nara ...

"Nara ... mom had one wish and i wish you want to grant it" ... Nara nodded. "Nara ... do you want to live with mom in Korea?" ...

Nara silent .. she hesitated .. but finally she agreed ... Ji Won was immediately embraced Nara and Nara eventually became a famous singer while Ji Won decided stopped be an actress and she just wants to accompany Nara and always wanted besides of her daughter...



Kamis, 01 November 2012


Keadaan dunia saat ini sungguh memprihatinkan dan menyedihkan...dimanapun kita tinggal,baik di sebuah negara yang tenang tapi tetap saja kita tidak merasa tenang...beberapa negara bahkan secara terang-terangan ingin menghancurkan negara lain seperti yang dinyatakan oleh negara zionis itu terhadap Iran yang justru selalu menjadi pihak yang tersudutkan,padahal Iran jelas-jelas tidak pernah menjadi pemicu provokasi...

Selama ini negara-negara seperti Iran,Korea Utara dan beberapa negara lainnya selalu menjadi kambing hitam oleh negara-negara yang tidak senang dengan Iran dan Korea Utara hingga mencari segala cara dengan terus memfitnah seperti yang dilakukan oleh Amerika dan para sekutunya...mungkin mereka tidak diajarkan tentang bagaimana mengendalikan emosi dalam diri mereka hingga dengan mudah terpancing dengan bisikan negara lain hingga menyebabkan keluarnya pernyataan perang pada Iran dan Korea Utara...sementara Korea Selatan saya lihat masih dalam posisi dilema karena di satu sisi mereka tidak ingin memicu perang dengan Utara tapi disisi lain mereka tentu tidak ingin memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Amerika...

Menurut saya cara yang paling mudah yang bisa dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan adalah coba tonton drama "KING 2 HEART" yang dibintangi oleh Ha Ji Won dan Lee Seung Gi"..maka saya yakin Korea Selatan akan menemukan cara yang jauh lebih bijak untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan Utara...ini bukan cara pengecut tapi ini adalah langkah ksatria dan janganlah Korea Selatan selalu menuruti apa yang diminta oleh Amerika...contoh nyata yang dilakukan oleh Amerika adalah bisa dilihat apa yang dialami oleh SAMSUNG disana yang mana harus kalah di pengadilan negara tersebut dari APPLE padahal sama sekali tidak pernah melakukannya...dan lihat apa dampak buruknya buat APPLE terutama di Indonesia...APPLE tetap saja kalah dari SAMSUNG dalam penjualan produknya...

Saya bukannya mendukung Iran dan Korea Utara..tapi seperti inilah pandangan saya melihat apa yang dialami oleh Iran dan Korea Utara dalam beberapa tahun terakhir...pertanyaan saya adalah : "APAKAH DENGAN PERANG,SEBUAH NEGARA AKAN DIPANDANG TERHORMAT?"...


Kalau perang adalah satu-satunya cara maka Malaysia sejak lama sudah hancur oleh Indonesia..jika mau,Indonesia bisa membuat senjata nuklir yang jauh lebih mematikan dari yang dimiliki oleh Iran maupun Korea Utara.....masalahnya hampir sama..Malaysia tidak ubahnya seperti zionis yang selalu memanas-manasi Indonesia dalam hal apapun terutama merampas apa yang seharusnya bukan milik mereka tapi milik Indonesia...dan yang paling memalukan yang dilakukan oleh Malaysia adalah klaim budaya..bagi saya hal itu sama dengan apa yang menimpa Iran dan Korea Utara saat ini...jadi kalau kita sebagai manusia masih memiliki rasa malu dan takut akan tuhan..ayolah kita sama-sama mengembalikan dunia ini menjadi lebih tenang,damai dan tanpa ada rasa saling curiga antara satu dengan lainnya...